Zucchini Rice on a Late Sunday Night

Today was a lovely day filled with family and friends.  The weather didn’t cooperate so the planned beach excursion did not happen, but we got to spend time with my parents playing board games and hanging out.  Then, in the afternoon, we let Mark take a nap and the kids and I amused ourselves.  In the early evening we left Mark home by himself to go to a friend’s house.  Her husband had emergency surgery in the wee hours of the morning and so we stayed with her children so she could go to the hospital.  Life is about relationships in my mind, and I am always glad to be able to help a friend.

But this is why I found myself, around 8:30, thinking that I was sort of hungry and not sure what I was going to be taking to my class for lunch this week.  I had three zucchinis from the garden sitting on the counter, so they served as my inspiration.

Now, I have a lot of wonderful cookbooks, but I often use the internet for inspiration.  It allows me to quickly search so many recipes that I wouldn’t have access to otherwise.  Today I found a winner, and it’s going to be my next entry in the E.A.T. world challenge!

Tonight I went to India for: Zucchini Rice!  I was very excited to find this site, because there are some really tremendous recipes.  Mark likes Indian food, but he does not like curry.  So sometimes finding things he likes that I can make isn’t that easy for me.

This recipe took, from start to finish, about 35 minutes and only about 20 of that was hands on time.

My hands weren’t bad tonight so I opted to shred by hand.  If I was swollen I would have used the food processor.  In terms of my spices I did not use *exactly* what Manjula recommended, as my pantry is not perfectly stocked with the right spices.  I used yellow mustard seeds instead of black, some crushed pepper instead of the whole peppers, and powdered cinnamon instead of a stick.  I also used non-dairy butter.

My rice was very fragrant and had lovely taste even though I was not completely faithful to Manjula’s recipe.  The taste was mild but not bland.  It would be especially good with a chutney (maybe mango?) on top.  I will need to stock my spice cabinet with more things since I want to try more of her recipes.  I am looking forward to this as part of my lunch this week.  Only four more days of my continuing education class and I can be back to my regular summer!


As an aside, my facebook page hit 70 fans today.  I am humbled.  I started writing this blog for my own sanity and figured only a handful of people would have an interest in what I have to say (most of those people being ones related to me).  Thanks so much for reading!!

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